Frank Barkan


Lansdale, Pennsylvania

Frank Barkan provides class action administration services to attorneys across the country. Frank has practiced public accounting for more than 40 years and has been involved in all aspects of the administration of class action settlements since 1980. With over four decades of experience working at RSM, Frank has taken his extensive knowledge and expertise to start the boutique firm Continental DataLogix in 2021.

Frank, a Partner at Continental DataLogix, administers various types of class actions including consumer products, credit reporting, employment law, product liability, antitrust and financial and securities matters. Throughout his career, he has been involved in numerous settlements ranging in size from 50 class members to several million. He supervises all aspects of the claims administration process. This includes proposal and affidavit preparation, notice and proof of claim mailing, loss calculations, custom database creation, corresponding with claimants, tax return preparation, final review of claims, and distribution of settlement funds to approved class members.